Grace C
I'm a multi-intrumentalist, composer, game developer, programmer and 3rd year Applied Mathematics & Software and Computer Systems Engineering student at QUT
Things I can do: music: composing, arranging, transcribing sfx, mixing & mastering (Ableton) Game Dev and Programming (C++, C#, Python), Game Engines: Unity & Unreal Engine Maths tutoring bass (Grade 6 AMEB), alto sax (grade 7 AMEB) and guitar
Programming Experience: - at QUT in CAB202, microprocessors and digital systems, I completed an embedded systems project in C, creating a pattern memory game able to be played with a microcontroller with 4 buttons and a 7-segment display. - in CAB201 I completed an object oriented programming project in C#. - I've completed multiple projects using C# and Unity, and have more in the works: - a local multiplayer Pacman recreation - an ARPG showcasing complex gameplay mechanics implemented with C# and Unity - Currently learning and exploring shaders and GLSL with the Book Of Shaders - Exploring Using C++ within Unreal Engine
My Music
RBG Bullets
A bit of EDM
Valkyrie Queen
A Composition and the Orchestra Score
Valkyrie Queen pdf
Games I've made you can play over here on
Contact me: Here